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Basic Horse care - Bronze Level
Approaching and Handling the Horse.
Staying safe around horses. (11:21)
Putting on the Halter / headcollar. (3:20)
Tying the horse with a quick release knot. (3:28)
Leading the horse in hand. (2:58)
Leading the horse - starting, stopping and turning. (2:20)
Leading the horse in a bridle. (1:54)
Rewarding the Horse. (4:08)
The horse.
The points - The body. (8:47)
The points - The head. (6:21)
The points - The legs. (5:52)
Describing horses - colour, markings and gender. (19:36)
Handling the legs - picking up and cleaning the hooves. (6:51)
Brushing the body. (12:51)
Brushing the mane, tail and face. (8:51)
Tack - saddles and bridles.
The Tack Room (3:44)
Saddles (29:40)
Bridles (19:36)
Preparing to Ride the Horse (10:07)
Taking Care of the Horse After Work (7:42)
Basic needs of the horse.
Planning the Stable yard. (16:51)
Teach online with
Describing horses - colour, markings and gender.
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